Sunday 16 September 2012

A Wake Up Call?

This is my first blog post, so I haven't got used to how this should go, but I just decided of giving it a try.
After the insistence of a dear friend that I should start my own blog, I created this and then dumped it for nearly 2 months, kind of forgot about it, or honestly haven't found something to write about and so kept postponing this first post from being.
Anyway, I won't make my intro any more boring or long ....

Today something weird happened, something that got my mind thinking and lead me here, writing this post now..
I had this weird dream, I remember it started with the fact that I knew that a friend of mine -not close- but a dear friend had passed away. The dream was so terrifying, it felt so real.
The way I recieved the news of her death, the way I remeber I was crying, crying too hard -even though we're not close- , the way I remeber the funeral, everything felt so real!
The weird thing is I rememeber so clearly the thoughts that hit my mind in the dream,
I had these questions hitting me, striking my mind and being..

"Was she ready for that?"
"What if it was one of us -me and my other friends- in her place now?"
"Am I ready for that?"
"Am I ready to meet my Allah?"

"Would she be of those who will win Al Jannah?"

She is a good person I can tell you so, but is she *good enough*?
the thoughts made the dream even more real, and terrifying..

And suddenly I woke up to my Mum calling, to my bed, to my room
it was a DREAM, it ain't real, that friend of mine is STILL alive,
all this crying and darkness has washed away the second I opened my eyes,
but the pain and anxiety still lingered!
And again it got me thinking the very same questions,..

"What if that was real?"
"Was she prepared?"
"What if I was in her place?"
"Would I have been prepared?"

"Am I prepared to meet you, Allah?"
"Am I ..?"

and the anxiety intensifies, thinking about this.. is this a wake up call?

a message Allah is sending me?, I would deffenitly say YES!
Or is this a message Allah is sending to this friend of mine, through me?

I might think Yeah maybe so too!

My mind is over and over thinking and thoughts are rambling in there I can tell you,
I have no clear answers but all I know,
I won't let this "Call" pass me by,
or atleast I'll try not to..

يا الله توفنا و أنت راض عنا
اللهم أرزقنا حسن الخاتمة


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